Pick A Tarot Card – Current Feelings of Your Partner

This Pick a Card Tarot Reading is on topic what are current feelings of your partner.

Introduction to This Pick a Tarot Reading – Current Feelings

This Pick a Card Tarot Reading is on topic what are current feelings of your partner. Above Given image is of Cards with three numbers dices. you can just close your eyes and focus on your breathing. pray to the divine that they help you in choosing the right pile.

Slowly Open your eyes and select one pile which attracts you. You can just go on that pile to have insights on your situation.

These Pick. a tarot readings are general readings and may resonate to you or may not. I would suggest take all what resonates with you and leave what not. You can also opt to book a paid readings to have more accurate insights about your concerns.

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Those Selected Pile 1 Pick A Tarot Reading

Pile 1 – Pick a Tarot Reading

I have taken out three tarot cards for those who have choosen pile 1. Your partner is currently thinking about you and what all has happen between you both. For past sometimes there has many fights and clashes happening between you. he or she has currently needs some space of their own. Their current situation is depicted from justice card. It says that they are evaluating and revising all events and reasons behind it. Like you they are also connected with this relation but he or she feels that third party is responsible for this gap and break up.

The Fool Tarot card Here Depicts that there is new beginning indicated for you. Your partner is wanting to start a fresh. It is likely that they will contact you back to sort this matter out. The Card is Also Suggesting that when they approach you back you shall give it a new perspective. listen to them carefully first what they have to say. card also suggests not to react hastily and be careful in your selection of words.

The Judgement Card here says things will work in both of your favour if you sort this matter calmly. whereas your partner is realising that they have make some mistakes in relations. On the other hand they also knows that they also have been hunted by your words. Those who have choosen pile 1 needs to be mature in their acts to sort this relationship matter.

Pile 2 Pick A Tarot Reading

Pile.2 Tarot Card Reading

Three tarot cards I have pulled out for those who have selected pile 2 pick a tarot reading. The Magician card here depicts the basic nature of your partner. though they are skilled in their field and good in many things. But you shall be aware that they are full of diplomacy and manipulations. For so many months or years they have been successful in manipulating your emotions and when you reverted back the choose to broke off.

Basically a lot of planning is going in their mind as they have taken it to their ego. It is very much possible that they are expecting you to approach them back and than they probably make you feel guilty. Here 9 of cups are suggesting freedom and happiness.

This card suggests you need to break this chain and enjoy the emotional freedom. getting back can be a very poor idea and may results in more hurting and humilations.

Strength tarot card in this reading is indicating there might be lot of conflicts arise in your mental and emotional area and same is happening with your partner currently . but when you ask help from divine energies they will provide you strength to come out of this abusive relationships. a better future is definitely waiting for you all.

Pile 3 – Pick A Tarot Reading

Pile 3- Pick a Tarot Reading

In this Pile Three Cards Which Has Popped Up is Eight of Wands, Five of Swords and Hanged Man. Eight of wands is depicting that currently your partner is ready for commitment. they really love you but due to lot of pressure they are depressed or just do not want to talk about this. This suggests you should not pressurise your partner for commitment. currently they are feeling that you are not understanding them.

They Might Have lot of Personal responsibility which they need to settle before they make a commitment. Five of swords shows current mind of your partner which is worried, frustrated and just confused what to do.

Hanged Man being a Major Arcana Cards Majorily depicting situation of your partner that they are for time being want to stay away from this relations. your force might take them away from you so it is been suggested to cooperate with them to make this relation better and stronger.


Since you know now what is currently going in your partner mind and going in your love life you might be wondering what you shall do next. We would suggest you to book a personal paid session to have deeper insights on your situation so that suitable and accurate remedies can be suggested.

Monica Agarwal is been tagged as celebrity and international psychic reader. she is famous for her accuracy and unique approach of handling problems.

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