The Sun – Tarot Card – Major Arcana

This Blog Focus On The Sun Tarot card Meanings which is Rider Waite Major Arcana Card in The Deck. Tarot Courses Online and Tarot Meanings In Details

What does The Sun Card Means In Tarot Reading ?

The Sun in Tarot readings often is a symbol of upcoming success, fame and abundance. This card also means overcoming from the obstacles.
The child on horse with red robes flowing depicts the innocence.

A sense of achievement is first impression you get from the sun card. 

The sun also means your high energy. People will be drawn to you because of your persona and elegance. You are likely to attract all royals in the life.

The Sun Tarot In Love Readings !

When the sun card appears in love readings it indicates happiness, celebrations and fulfillments. It depicts the commitment and marriage.

It shows the love life is going to be full of romance and excitement. It also means you are attracting positive soulmate in the life.

When the sun appears in reverse In love readings, it means lack of commitment. Clouds in the card means doubt on the relationships and decesions.

You may experience certain setbacks which are damaging your optimism and enthusiasm. 

The Sun Card In Career Readings !

Career Descriptions Include for Business, Job, Education and Overall career Tarot Readings.

The Sun in career reading indicates new deals, new job, promotion in current positions and rise in status. This may also indicates that you may acquire new knowledge and new heights.

Success is indicated in cards in what ever work you undertake. 

Your career may feel both spiritually and materially fulfilling. This happiness and positivity can be radiant now.

your happiness may create a wonderful environment for your colleagues and those you surround yourself with. 

When the sun appears in reverse position, it may indicate downfall in status. Some one may try to bring your status down or may be politics at work front.

In education it may warn you to focus on your studies and not to fall prey to unless activities.


Why Courses at Divine Centre is Unique and Authentic.

Hope You Are Enjoying this Blog by Monica Agarwal – Celebrity Tarot Reader. I Always Focus On Learning Tarot By Authentic methods. Meanings are for reference though proper learning happen with proper intuition developing techniques and attunements.

If You want to learn tarot Online courses, distant mode or In person or through video classes you can contact me. 

A proper Tarot reading Course is consists of proper attunement with the cards, connection, associations with the clients energies and questions. 

You Can Also Book Personal tarot Sessions over Phone, Email, Whats App Or Inperson 

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