Explore the secrets of your numbers

With Monica Agarwal – Spiritual Life Coach

How Science of Numerology Works ?

Science of Number – Numerology has ancient roots and been in this world since the beginning. Each Number carries a vibration and has a great effect on our life. Numerology has been practiced in different ways In. India and Western Countries. Pythagorean was a great mathematician and his calculations were famous to be highest accuracy. Form of numerology which he use to practice was one of common and easy to perform. Chandelean Numerology has ancient roots and consider planets as their base where Vedic form is known as Ankh Shastra. Both calculations are different and different numerologist practice different forms. Rarely people are aware how important is to match each and every alphabet and numbers vibrations while doing the calculations. Some people life match best with pythagorean and some on chandelean so the question arise how do we know what fits best to us.

Monica Agarwal – International Ace Numerologist

Here comes role of a learned numerologist who goes deep into calculations to evaluate ur life and current your vibrations.

Monica Agarwal is International and award winning Numerologist. Our Reports are customised and person oriented completely to match the best the goal you want to achieve in life. Monica is Been teaching full numerology courses also online globally for which details can be seen in courses section.

She is Well versed in Vedic Numerology, Western and New Age Numerology and Involving Bio Energetic Vibrations into her readings, she provides amazingly accurate solutions. Numerology is team effort of numerologist and client. She personally does not believe in changing the complete name until it becomes very necessary. Normally small alter in name spelling, plus amazing remedies will solve the purpose. many client of her has experienced the results within a month to three months time, though full effects sometimes take times.

Numerology Reports

When you come first to us we always recommend you to book complete Numerology report with us. This report will be complete analysis of your numbers, name numbers, phone numbers, vehicle and house numbers giving you a overview of your lucky numbers, lucky colours, suggestions , name corrections and remedies and suggestions in detail.

Delivery time of report
5-7 Days Max from the booking depending on current bookings we have in Hand

After report is delivered to you you will get 30 mins bonus time on call to clarify and ask your doubts with Monica Agarwal

Business Name Numerology

You feel you are doing everything right Vastu, Energy, Hard work and all but still something is lacking and your business is not yielding proper results. Book a business name numerology with us inclusive of your name correction, partner name analysis, business name correction with your and your partners name, lucky logo colours and suggestions to designs, phone nos office plot numbers etc.

House Number / Mobile Number Numerology / Vehicle Numerology

This consultation will focus on correcting vibrations of your house number and phone number. This can be a part of full report or you can book a short numerology session with us for this separately.

Yearly Report

Once full report is ready you can book yearly month wise report that how this year will be for you any special measures and remedies to be done.

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